Rare catalogues.
new Section contains European catalogues published between 1880 and 1929
which feature old French billiard cues.
(ca.). FINCK B. &
Co., Germany. This factory of billiard cues and accessories (founded
in 1839) quickly became one of the most important in the world. It produced
many top quality models. Some of them, built for VIPs or as tournament
trophies, were beautiful and unique. Two Finck catalogues can be found
in The Billard Encyclopedia [1]. One of them, black and white, pp. 284-285,
relates to the period from 1840 to 1880. The other one, colour, pp. 94-95,
undated, contains six beautiful plates, the originals of which are shown
in the collection of this site. Below, photos of some cues of different
styles and types.
(ca.). HENIN AINE, France.
Title of the catalogue: Grande Fabrique de Billes de Billards (founded
Note: the list mentions 4-point and 8-rich point cues (rich = not detached).
S. BARBIER Fils, France,
Factory of Ivory Balls and Billiard Cues (founded in 1828).
Note in particular cues 54-57 (marquetry), 59 (4 splices, 4 points,
unscrewing in 3 parts), 61 (4 splices, 4 points) and 70 (8 points).
in 1894).
is an extract:
from the beginning of the catalogue of the Company (*) which promotes
its 'GALLIA' billiard cue;
of the bottom of this one-piece cue with one or more splices, one of
which SIX-point (see nr 4), absolutely unique.
there is no 8-point splice. This does not mean that Brunswick did not
build an '8-point'. Here is the signed proof of it:
GOBIN Frères, France. This billiard ball factory
(founded in 1847) distributes cues, in particular HIOLLE (extra production)
'8-detached or rich points' and the 'l'Universelle', as well as an ADORJAN
'La Royale'.
the prices
making it possible
to estimate the influence of the decoration on the value of an old cue.
& KARTZKE (ESKA), Germany. Katalog über Billard Zubehör,
(undated) in four languages (German, French, Spanish and Italian), the
title page of which indicates that this factory (founded in 1884) is the
largest in the world of billiard accessories.
A price list nr 8 of July 1929 contains the cues of this catalogue
and another one (undated) lists the cues of the six plates mentioned above,
which implies a relationship between the firms ESKA and FINCK.
a few beautiful cues, some of which are reminiscent of FINCK. Also notable
are 'La Reform' (267), 'La Royale' of ADORJAN (200) and a cue cane (300).
STEIN V. & RUBINO P., The Billiard Encyclopedia. An Illustrated History
of the Sport. Balkline Press Inc., New York, United States, 2008.
Album Illustré du Billard. Compagnie BRUNSWICK Française,
Paris, ca. 1910.